Posted: March 09, 2017


Beginning Tuesday, March 7, e-filers who have their domains hosted by GoDaddy may not have received all their e-mailed Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) sent by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court’s CM/ECF system.

On that day, GoDaddy began “rate-limiting” e-mails which originated from CM/ECF. Rate-limiting restricts the number of messages that are allowed to reach the intended recipient and subsequently rejects those that exceed the threshold. Those rejected notices were returned to the originating court with the message “This IP has sent too many messages this hour.” It is unclear at this time the number of emails GoDaddy was allowing through their gateway per hour per recipient.

The court has attempted to re-send the email, but GoDaddy’s newly implemented policy continues to prohibit delivery. A representative of the U.S. Courts is in contact with GoDaddy and is attempting to resolve the issue.

If your domain is hosted by GoDaddy, you should log in to CM/ECF, review your cases for activity and download those NEF’s and associated pdf’s that you did not receive. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Clerk's office is unable to re-send the electronic notices and you will need to go through PACER.

Should you have any questions regarding this announcement, please call the ECF Help Desk at (866) 232-1266. Thank you.