Posted: June 1, 2018

PACER – CM/ECF and Users of the Microsoft Edge Browser


CM/ECF filers using the latest versions of the Microsoft Edge browser beginning with version 42.17134.1.0 released 4-30-2018 may experience unintended verbiage appearing at the beginning of docket text once they have docketed an entry. This bug also appears to have issues with some of the reports and programs within CM/ECF.

The issues are related to a bug reported in the version of the Edge browser released with Windows 10 update 1803.

For more information on this Microsoft Edge bug please see: 

Following are examples of the types of unintended docket text (noted in red) that may appear at the beginning of docket text when using the latest versions of Microsoft Edge to file:

1p Chapter 11 Small Business Disclosure Statement
L Points and Authorities
Lp_prefix_1 Ballot Summary
1p_prefix_1 Declaration Of:
1j6 Notice of Hearing


Until further notice, Microsoft Edge Browser (version 42.17134.1.0) users should use an alternate browser in CM/ECF or PACER to ensure data integrity and security to those systems.

For a recommended list of browsers compatible with CM/ECF, please see the section, "Internet access with a compatible browser," located at CM/ECF Hardware/Software Requirements.