Payment and Waiver Information

Methods of Payment

Court fees are required at the time of filing a bankruptcy petition. Payment may be in the form of a bank cashier's check, a U.S. Postal money order, or a personal check made payable to: U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The Clerk's office does not accept cash or foreign checks / foreign money orders. Personal checks will not be accepted from debtors or debtors in possession.

CM/ECF Payments

It is mandatory for all CM/ECF filers to pay, via the use of a credit or debit card, for all fees related to bankruptcy filings. Upon completion of filing your case or documents you will be prompted to Pay Now or Pay Later.Pay Now
Selecting Pay Now takes you to where you may make secure electronic payments directly from your bank account or debit/credit card. After completing your transaction, you will receive confirmation of payment.

Pay Later
Allows you 24 hours to pay your account in full. This allows you to pay all charges incurred for the day in one payment.

Note: If you do not pay within the 24 hours, the system will automatically lock you out of the CM/ECF filing screens. At that point you will only see the "Utility" menu, allowing you to pay for charges.

  1. Select Utilities > Internet Fees/Payments > Internet Payments Due
  2. A pop-up window will appear showing all outstanding fees. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click Pay Now then continue through the On-line Payment Process with your credit or debit card.  
  3. After outstanding fees have been paid, you will need to clear your cache. After doing so, the user will be automatically unlocked and should have regular filing access to all features of CM/ECF.

Filing Fee Installments

To pay voluntary petition fees in installments, see Petition Fee Installment Payments for Individuals Only in the Bankruptcy Fee Schedule. Local Rule 1006 requires a minimum payment to be made within 5 business days after filing the petition. The number of installments shall not exceed four, and the fourth installment payment must be made within 120 days of filing the petition, or the case will be set for a dismissal hearing. Registered users of CM/ECF with an existing order GRANTING permission to pay filing fees in installments may pay for installments within CM/ECF using the installment payment events.

Online Payments

Payment of court fees (filing fees and installment payments, copies, audio recordings of hearings, etc.) may be paid online via debit card, PayPal, or ACH (electronic payment from a bank account) by using the Nevada Bankruptcy (NVB) Online Payment Form.

Waiver of Chapter 7 Filing Fee

If you cannot afford to pay the Chapter 7 filing fee either in full at the time of filing or in installments, you may request a waiver of the filing fee by completing Official Form 103B   Application for Waiver of Chapter 7 Filing Fee.

  1. The form should be completed and filed at the time the bankruptcy petition is filed.
  2. The appplication will be forwarded to a judge who will approve or deny the request.
  3. In approximately 10 days from the filing of the application, a copy of the order will be mailed from the Bankruptcy Court to the address listed on your bankruptcy petition.

By law, the judge may waive the fee only if your income is less than 150 percent of the official poverty line applicable to your family size and you are unable to pay the fee in installments.

Order GRANTING your Application for Waiver of the Chapter 7 filing fee

  • The petition filing fee will not be required to be paid to the court.
  • You will be responsible for paying all other fees that may be required during your bankruptcy or submit a separate application for waiver of those fees.

Order DENYING your Application for Waiver of the Chapter 7 filing fee

  • The $335.00 filing fee is due for the filing of your petition.
    1. The filing fee may be paid in full within 48 hours of the order, or
    2. The filing fee may be paid in installments to the Bankruptcy Court.
  • The order will include the dates and the installment amounts that will be required to be paid to the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office.
  • The payment to the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office must be in the form of a money order or cashier’s check for the exact amount. The Clerk’s Office does not accept cash or foreign checks / foreign money orders.
  • Failure to pay the full filing fee will result in the dismissal of your bankruptcy case.