Chapter 11 Filing Requirements

Often called the 'reorganization chapter,' Chapter 11 allows corporations, partnerships, and individuals to reorganize, without having to liquidate all assets. In filing a Chapter 11, the debtor presents a plan to creditors which, if accepted by the creditors and approved by the Court, will allow the debtor to reorganize personal, financial or business affairs and again become a financially productive individual or business.

Credit Counseling
Credit Counseling must be obtained prior to filing Bankruptcy.

In order to be excepted from filing the certificate of credit counseling, a debtor must either:

  1. Submit a different certificate describing exigent circumstances that merit waiver of the requirement and also states the debtor requested credit counseling but was unable to obtain credit counseling during the 7-day period before filing; OR
  2. Request, in writing, and provide notice that the debtor is unable to obtain credit counseling because of incapacity, disability or active military duty in a military combat zone.

Involuntary Petition Filing Requirements

Please see Involuntary Petitions for filing requirements.


Copy Requirement: ORIGINAL (kept by the court) PLUS ONE (1) COPY (if filer would like to keep a copy)
If filer does not want a full copy, only bring the original for the court.

The copy requirement numbers above include the copy to be returned to the filing party. See Local Rules 1002 (a) (1) and 7010 (c) (1)
The IRS has access to documents through the internet, so a copy is not required to be forwarded.